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Google maps api全部服务特性总表

发表于 2014-10-19 13:10:12 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
ProductFeatures of Note
Tracks APIUsed for location tracking of assets, backend datastore for Google CoordinateIf you need a solution that can use Coordinate, use it.  If you need something more customizable, use Tracks API

Geo fencing, region e.g. The IT department wants a notification when the inhouse hardware leaves the campus
Crumbs, retreiving historical data on location of asset movement
Collections, a group of objects
Purchased separately from Maps API
CoordinateCore: Out of the box workforce management solution Set up using existing Google Apps or Appsless domain
Coordinate API (Manage Jobs and List workers, attach schedule to jobs, location history info)
Pricing is $20 per use/year, unlimited usage
Geolocation APIUsed for sending location of asset (does not need a GPS device to get the location) uses Wifi and Cell Towers to identify locatione.g.  The IT department lends out wifi enabled inhouse hardware and wants to keep track where they are located
Purchased separately from Maps API license
Maps EngineCloudbased solution for customers to store and share their Geo Data with their users
Usage based upon Map Loads and Storage
API: info on data sources/layers/maps, create/update features, quering against feature data (radius based searches)
Places APIplace of interest information (think yellow pages), also comes with autocomplete functionality
Maps API
JavaScript v3 APIembed interactive Google Map into your web application, display features (points, lines, polygons), cllient-sdie functionality for Geocoding,Directions,distance requestsUsage based on PageViews
Static Maps APIdisplay a static map image of a particular locationused when JS is not supported, limited bandwith
Street View Image APIdisplay a streetview image (non interactive) of a particular addressused when JS is not supported, limited bandwith
Distance Matrix APIComputes distance between two addresses based on travel mode100,000 QPD, 10QPS
Directions APIComputes step by step direction from point A to B; you may specify waypoints, you can request for optimized routing100,000 QPD, 10QPS, 23 waypoints
Geocoding APIconvert textual addresses to LatLng or vice versa100,000 QPD, 10QPS
Elevation APIprovides elevation data for all locations on the surface of the earth100,000 QPD, 10QPS, 1,000,000 total locations per day
Time Zone APIprovides time zone for a location on the earth


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