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Summary of 2013 GDG Nanyang Devfest

发表于 2013-10-2 20:36:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Hi Everyone!

Warmly celebrate the opening of 2013 GDG Nanyang Devfest ! It’s our first time hold meeting like Devfest, GDG Nanyang in mainland CHINA, just hold the Devfest in Sept 28th, 2013,there are 160 local developers and college students attend to this meeting.The all-day-long meeting just start at 9:00 A.M. and end in 21:30 P.M.

There are three part of our Devfest, the first one is our “keynote” in the moring,every speaker share their learning experience in Google Technology or How to make more money with Google APIs; The second part of our Devfest is in the afternoon, each of the speakers just share their topic in the Sub-venue A or B,the topic is about Android、Chrome、Google Compute Engine and so on. And the last part of our Devfest is the Code Lab in the everining which is start at 7:30 P.M. The Code Lab is about the “Hello,World” of Chrome Extension.

We made a HD hangouts on air during the meeting in CHINA ; ) and didn’t need over GFW all the time, we just use a hosts for Google’s hangouts service. Here is the link of the video : GDG Nanyang 2013 Devfest

This is the list of our “Keynote”:
  • The Secret Of Google Play Developer Console
  • Make Notable Apps
  • Integrate AdMob into Your Apps/Games
  • Opportunities in Chrome
  • Skills of ViewPager + Fragment  Layout
  • My Learing Experience in Hadoop
  • More About G+ in Social Product Develop

Here is the slide of all the Keynote : https://docs.google.com/presenta ... e=id.g1084b6402_015

In compariosn with every speaker’s 15min Keynote which share more about earning and learning Google Technology,the Sub-venue A&B in the afternoon is in more detail about how to get start to study Google APIs.

Topic of Sub-venue A:
  • Compiling the Chrome based on linux and transplanting it on ARM
  • Make social network safe - The technology of Google+ social platform user privacy protection
  • What is the valuation of Hadoop in The Age of Big Data

Sub-venue B:
  • More Details about ViewPager + Fragment  Layout
  • Simple for Google+ Sign-In
  • Open Source Projects For Android
  • Android Develop With Google Compute Engine

  • Introduce the QRCode Generation Extension of Chrome
  • Make a “Hello,World” Chrome Extension

We have many gifts for attendees,such as the IO13 Keynote HD DVD,the GDG Nanyang Rainbow Umbrella‎,Devfest/Google Developer Tee and so on.
here are the photos in this meeting : https://plus.google.com/photos/1 ... 5928691942328574369
We are happy to be part of the 2013 fall season global GDG DevFest series.  Best of luck to all GDGs in China and around the world who will join this season's series with your DevFest!

Thank you!

Lu Cheng
Organizer of GDG Nanyang


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