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谷歌创始人之一Larry Page在2013年Google IO大会上的演讲文字

发表于 2013-6-6 18:17:11 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

下面跟大家分享谷歌公司的创始人之一Larry Page在2013年Google IO大会主题演讲中的演讲文字纪录 - Larry亲自把它寄给我们,并说了如下的话:
It’s super important to get people focused on the positives of science and technology, as well as the potential we have to improve people’s lives and the world.  (极为重要的是让大家专注于科学和技术积极的一面,以及使用这些技术去改善人类生活和世界的潜力)。

Larry Page的演讲是在IO大会主题演讲的结尾时作的,他说完了之后,出乎意料地说,全场大家可以自由提问,他回答所有的问题。当有的听众问到他如何看待有的竞争公司对谷歌的态度时,他从一个很哲理的高度回答了这个问题。下面的文字也包含了他的回答的观点:他说那些公司把他们和谷歌的关系看成了Zero Sum(也就是我们中国所说的零和博弈)的竞争,其实技术的发展是不必要这样以你死我活的态度看待问题的,因为可以进行创新的领域太多了,大家应该把精力集中在正能量上,注重利用技术进行创新、推动社会的进步和发展、改善百姓大众的生活等等,这才是我们需要关注的,而不是Zero Sum的你死我活的负面态度,因为负面态度是不能带来进步和发展的(being negative is not how we make progress)。 我觉得他讲得太好了,其实不仅公司之间的关系应该如此,公司和政府之间的关系又何尝不是如此。与其用各种手段封堵谷歌的技术和产品,特别是我们大量的进行技术培训的课程录像,为什么不抛弃这种零和博弈的负面做法、让中国的开发者们能够方便地去接触到和利用这些先进的技术、学习了之后可以做更多的创新、让中国的企业能够更方便地利用谷歌面向全球的平台把中国的创新带向世界、而不要让我们落后于世界的竞争者。真心希望中国有明智的高层官员来读读下面的讲话!

Larry Page 这个演讲的录像在这里:https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=9pmPa_KxsAM#!  

Transcript of Larry's Remarks to I/O:

I'm really excited to be here, and first I want to start with a story.  I was very, very lucky growing up, and I was thinking about this as we were preparing for this Google I/O.  My dad was really interested in technology, and I was just remembering he actually drove me and my family all the way across the country to go to a robotics conference, and then we got there and he thought it was so important that his young son go to the conference, and one of the few times I've seen him really argue with someone to get in someone under age, successfully into the conference, and that was me.

And one of the things I want to talk to you about is how important it is for us, all of the developers here in the room and watching to really focus on technology and get more people involved in it. And also thinking about my dad, his degree -- he was lucky enough to get a degree in communication sciences.  And you might ask what the heck is communication sciences.  That's what they called computer science when computers were a passing fad.  Sounds kind of funny now; right?  But there was a time when that was true.

And I think everyone today is excited about technology.  You know, we don't have to worry about that so much anymore.  And I think that Android and things like that are being adopted much faster than anything else in the past.  And if you look at the rate of adoption of those things on almost any basis, they're much, much faster.  And it's incredible.  

You know, I think about when I pull out my smartphone, it's amazing what we have in the smartphones.  We have almost every sensor we've ever come up with.  And I recently got a scale and it measures air quality and it uploads it to the Internet.  I'm sure those things will end up in your smartphone; right?  And it's amazing.  And your phone can talk to anyone in the world, almost anywhere in the world.

I was talking to my teams about this.  If you take out your phone and hold it out, it's almost as big as a TV or a screen you're looking at, and has the same resolution as well.  And so if you're nearsighted, which I see many of you out there with glasses -- and some of you have Google Glass, thank you -- I think many of you are nearsighted and you know smartphones and the big display are kind of the same thing now, which is amazing.

So I think we also have a lot more devices that we use interchangeably.  You know, we use tablets, phones, laptops, and, you know, even the Google glass.  All those things we're using.  And that's why we put so much focus on our platforms, on Android and Chrome.  It's really important in helping developers and Google build great user experiences across these different devices to have these platforms.  And I'm tremendously excited about all the innovation that you're bringing to life.
Technology should do the hard work so that people can get on with doing the things that make them the happiest in life.  Take Search for example. The perfect search engine, as Amit mentioned, is the Star Trek computer; right?  It can understand exactly what you meant and give you exactly what you wanted, and our Knowledge Graph which you saw really brings that a lot closer.

I think Google Now, which Johanna just demonstrated, gives you information without even having to ask.  And it understands the context of what you talked about before so you can use things like pronouns.  It's amazing.  Flight times and boarding passes, directions, next appointment, all with no effort.  
Think about a really smart assistant doing all those things for you so you don't have to think about it.  You saw how easy some of those experiences felt.  

And we're just getting started.  The opportunities we have are tremendous.  You know, we haven't seen this rate of change in computing for a long time, probably not since the birth of personal computing.  But when I think about it, I think we're all here because we share a deep sense of optimism about the potential of technology to improve people's lives and -- and the world as part of that.

And I'm amazed, every day I come to work, the list of things that needs to be done is longer than the day before, and the opportunity of those things is bigger than it was before.  And because of that, I think we, as Google, and as an industry, all of you, really are only 1% of what's possible.  And probably even less than that.  
And despite the faster change we have in the industry, we're still moving slow relative to the opportunities that we have.  And some of that I think is due to the negativity.  Every story I read about Google is kind of us versus some other company or some stupid thing, and I just don't find that very interesting.  We should be building great things that don't exist; right?

And being negative is not how we make progress.  And most important things are not zero sum.  There's a lot of opportunity out there.  And we can use technology to make really new and really important things that make people's lives better.  And if I think back to a long time ago, very long time ago, all of humanity was basically out farming or hunting all the time; right?  And probably if you lived at that time, you probably hoped that you could feed your family.  

And unfortunately, that's still true for a lot of people in the world.  But certainly for us, we don't worry about that.  And the reason for that is technology.  We've improved how we raise, grow food and so on, and the technology of that has allowed people to focus on other things, if they choose.  By the way, I thinking a farmer is great if that's what you want to do, but it's not great if that's what you have to do.  And that's what technology lets us do, is free up ourselves to do more different things.  And I'm sure the people in the future will think we're just as crazy as we think everyone in the past was at having to do things like farming or hunting all the time.

So to give an example of this, Sergey and I talk a lot about cars.  You know, he's working on automated cars now, and imagine how self-driving cars will change our lives and the landscape.  More green space, fewer parking lots, greater mobility, fewer accidents, more freedom, fewer hours wasted behind the wheel of a car.  The average American probably spends almost 50 minutes, five-zero minutes, commuting.  Imagine if you got most of that time back to use for other things.  And, unfortunately, even in other countries, commute times are still pretty large.  Not quite as large as the U.S. but still very significant.

Now, to get there we need more people, more people like you, more kids falling in love with science and math at school, more students graduated with science and engineering degrees, and more people working on important technological problems.  And it's why Google got involved with the movie "The Internship."  I'm not sure we entirely had a choice, but they were making a movie.  We decided it would be good to get involved.  Lorraine is up front.  She is really responsible for that.  

And I think the reason why we got involved in that is that computer science has a marketing problem.  We're the nerdy curmudgeons.  I don't know about you, but that's what I am.  And in this movie, the guy who plays the head of search, the Amit Singhal you just saw, is by far the coolest character in the movie, and we're really excited about that.

So I think today, we're still just scratching the surface of what's possible.  You know, that's why I'm so excited.  Google's really working on the platforms that support all of your innovations.  You know, I cannot wait to see what comes next.  You know, I got Goose bumps as I was watching some of the presentations here.  And I really want to thank you for all of your contributions.

Thank you so much.


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