本帖最后由 newmike 于 2016-7-3 16:56 编辑
7月6日(周三)晚上,我们邀请到了来自美国谷歌的两位Angular技术专家,他们将在上海GDG孵化器分享Angular JS 2.0及Progressive Web Apps。
活动主题:美国谷歌专家分享:Angular JS 2.0 & Progressive Web Apps
18:20-18:50 签到及现场茶歇
18:50-19:00 开场介绍
19:00-20:00 Angular JS2.0 & Progressive Web Apps分享 - Keith & Kirill from Google
20:00-20:30 嘉宾现场答疑
20:30-20:40 合影留念/活动结束
Keith is a Partner Technology Manager in Google Shopping working on creating scalable solutions for Google and its partners. He has been developing with Angular for the past 4 years and has been teaching it for the past year. Prior to his role at Google, Keith worked on two startups and studied Computational Engineering with a focus on cloud computing, Systems Engineering with a focus on robotics, and Industrial Engineering with a focus on combinatorial mathematics. Outside of work, Keith enjoys travelling, hiking, and playing tennis.
Kirill is a Front-end engineer at DoubleClick working on DBM. Kirill was one of the early adopters of angular2 using it for his personal projects. Before Google, Kirill worked for Lab49 - a financial consulting company that builds software projects for some of the largest banks and financial organisations in the US.
Outside of work, Kirill has been teaching computer programming to high school kids. Hobbies involve running and dancing argentine tango.
建议交通:地铁9号线 桂林路站 4号口出 过马路步行即到
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