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发表于 2014-8-14 17:07:28 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
How to build IOSched
Note: while these instructions allow you to build iosched, much of the functionality that depends on server APIs won't work because in order to do that you need to configure your own project in Google Developer Console, create API keys, etc. For more information about what you need to set up, refer to Server side setup.
This is a Gradle-based project that works best with Android Studio
NOTE: Building the project as-is requires the Android Wear SDK, which you can download fromhttp://developer.android.com/wear/. If you wish to build without Android Wear support, please refer to the Building without Android Wear section.
To build the app:
  • Install the following software:
  • Run the Android SDK Manager by pressing the SDK Manager toolbar button in Android Studio or by running the 'android' command in a terminal window.
  • In the Android SDK Manager, ensure that the following are installed, and are updated to the latest available version:
    • Tools > Android SDK Platform-tools (rev 20 or above)
    • Tools > Android SDK Tools (rev 23.0.2 or above)
    • Tools > Android SDK Build-tools version 20
    • Tools > Android SDK Build-tools version 19.1
    • Android 4.4 > SDK Platform (API 19)
    • Android 4.4W > SDK Platform (API 20)
    • Android L (API 20, L Preview)
    • Extras > Android Support Repository
    • Extras > Android Support Library
    • Extras > Google Play services
    • Extras > Google Repository
  • Create a file in your working directory called local.properties, containing the path to your Android SDK. Use local.properties.example as a model.
  • Import the project in Android Studio:
    • Press File > Import Project
    • Navigate to and choose the settings.gradle file in this project
    • Press OK
  • Add your debug keystore to the project (save it as android/debug.keystore), or modify the build.gradle file to point to your key.
  • Choose Build > Make Project in Android Studio or run the following command in the project root directory:
    ./gradlew clean assembleDebug
  • To install on your test device:
    ./gradlew installClassicDebug


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