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发表于 2013-4-15 13:30:06 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
The Summary of Team-Event of Lanzhou GDG

Hi there! The first team-event of Lanzhou GDG has come to the end. Although it is a little rush into the preparation, the goals are attained. A team is set up to improve the function and UI of the LZU BBS client, which is now a demo.

The purpose of this event focuses on the theme of The Android Development of Campus Application. In the campus, different departments provide different services, which are always used through different websites. Accessing the website with smart phones not only wastes mobile data, but also response slowly. What's worse, the warning “Please use IE browser” drives you creazy sometimes.

I. Event Information

时间:2013411 19:00 – 00:30
Date: 2013-04-11 19:00 – 00:30

Address: Feng Xi Wu, Gannan Road No. 684, Chengguan District, Lanzhou City

Registered online: 14

Participants: 26

II. Activities
19:00 ~ 20:00 人员陆续到场,并作一个自我介绍
19:00 ~ 20:00 Participants arrive and introduce themselves.

  • 播放视频:Android使用SAX的方式解析XML文件
    Play a video: Android Parses XML File Using SAX Method

    The video simulates a use case, thus the website provides APIs based on XML to output data. Android application connects the server through HTTP, and use the API to get the XML content. Then app parses the XML using SAX method, and gets data.

    This video shows us the basic development procedure of using website APIs on Android. It provides a simple example for us to develop XML and network based campus applications.

    • 兰州大学西北望BBS客户端Demo演示及开发简介
      Demonstrate Lanzhou University BBS Client And Introduce The Development Status

      Speaker: Sheng Yong, Lanzhou University

    The LZU BBS client demo is shown at first. Sheng introduces the APIs of nForum (BBS server), and illustrate the loginning to BBS to introduce the use of APIs. Then the code architecture and programming specification are introduced. Finally, the development status of the client is introduced and the problems found during developing the client are raised.

    • 校园应用开发讨论
      The Discussion of The Development of Campus Applications

      The followings are discussed:

    • 学校里,同学通常会用到哪些服务?
      In the campus, which services are used usually by students?

      Querying school timetable, quering exam results, library services, social contact, information notification etc.
    • BBS客户端应该采用XML还是JSON格式的接口?
      Which format of data should be adopted by the client? XML or JSON?

      The file size of JSON is smaller than XML.
    • BBS客户端应该采用类似于SAX的流处理方式还是采用类似于DOM的方式来解析接口文件?
      Which method should the client adopted? SAX or DOM?

      Considering the size of an article in BBS would not too large, so, the DOM method may performance easier and more flexible.
    • BBS客户端开发团队组织
      The Team of Developing The Client

      Team members: jimogsh is in charge of organizing discussion. longth and huangzy0138 are in charge of developing BBS APIs. shyodx, kjeldahl and wut are in charge of developing the client. Mendy is in charge of designing the UI.

      如果有同学对这个开发感兴趣,欢迎联系我们 :-)
      If you are intrested in our proposal, you are welcome to contact us :-)
    • BBS客户端下一步开发计划
      The Plan of Developing The Client

      1. 确定BBS客户端界面及显示方式
      1. Determin the UI and interactive mode of the client
      2. 根据Demo,优化整体框架
      2. Improve the framework based on the demo
      3. 逐步丰富功能
      3. Improve the functions step by step

    III. Summary

    This team-event focuses on discussion. Participants are organized as a team. Every participant can put forward his/her own ideas and suggestions on the same topic. The team work is more effective, and it will help to push on the development
    The first team-event is just the beginning. We hope more applications serving students could be discussed and developped in this way.

    In the future activities, team members could discuss problems found during developing applications, and the experience could be shared too. Since this is the first time that team members get together, everyone is intrested in Android and wants to share their ideas with each other, some of us keep discussing till 12 pm. Some girls and boys left early. At last, take a picture of us night owls.


使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-4-15 14:48:01 | 只看该作者
祝贺兰州GDG! 很好的活动内容! 感谢你们组织者的奉献和讲师们的分享!

你们的旗子好强大! :-)
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-16 16:12:29 | 只看该作者
BillL[Google] 发表于 2013-4-15 14:48
祝贺兰州GDG! 很好的活动内容! 感谢你们组织者的奉献和讲师们的分享!

你们的旗子好强大! :-)

谢谢 :-D
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发表于 2013-4-16 18:55:15 | 只看该作者
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