本帖最后由 chenzhuo914 于 2017-6-3 07:08 编辑
We’ve enhanced structured snippets to now have even more header translations, increasing from 12 to all AdWords languages. Structured snippets are extensions that highlight products and services in your ads. Existing structured snippets will not change, so no AdWords API code changes are necessary, but consider adding structured snippets to any campaigns targeting the newly available languages.
Here are some resources to get you started with structured snippets:
As always, if you have any questions, please contact us via the forum.
Labels: ad_extensions, adwords_api, feeds
全文翻译:AdWords结构化摘要(structured snippet)的标题字段支持更多语言!
我们增强了 结构化摘要,使其标题字段支持的 语言种类从12种增加到所有AdWords语言种类。 结构化摘要是突出广告中的产品和服务的拓展。现有的结构化摘要不会改变,因此不需要更改您的AdWords API代码,但请考虑将结构化摘要加入任何使用新可用语言的广告系列中。
下面的资源可以帮助您开始使用结构化摘要: 与往常一样,如果您有任何疑问,请通过论坛与我们联系。