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Google Play 开通中国开发者账号

发表于 2014-11-21 08:54:41 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 hanguokai 于 2014-12-6 13:58 编辑

下面是对 Google 账号、Play 开发者以及以前是否已经绑定过 Wallet 的解释。

新注册 Google 账号
Google Play for China 开通实验,现在的结论是:①*新注册* Google 账号,②在 Play Console 里注册开发者账号 https://play.google.com/apps/publish/signup ,这里付款25美元注册费时选择“中国”。注意一定要从这个 Play 入口进入才支持中国地区。所以不管是新注册的 Google 账号还是已经有的老账号,最关键的就是以前没有绑定过 Wallet。因为 google wallet 本身还是没有中国,必需是从 Play 控制台上支付。然后信用卡支付。

Google Developers 最新发布了 3个 Google Play 中国开发者中文入门视频。

老 Google 账号的问题
如果按这个步骤注册新 Google 账号应该是没问题的。但如果对于现有 Google 账号会有两种情况:
1. 老账号已经开通 Wallet,如果 Wallet 账号被 suspended 了,那么现在还是无法注册 Play 开发者的。2) 老的 Wallet 正常,但是已经绑定为其他国家,那么现在虽然正常,但不能在 Play 上将国家修改为中国(只能重新注册新 Google 账号)。
2. 如果现有 Google 账号从来没开通过 Wallet,那么现在直接注册 Play 开发者应该是可以的。

理解 Google 账号、Google Wallet 和 Google Play 开发者
Google 账号、Google Play 开发者、Google Wallet 这是三个独立的概念(或部门)。
Google 账号是基础,但Google 账号默认是没有开通 Wallet ,也不是 Play 开发者。后两者需要单独开通。
Wallet 现在也是不支持中国的,你在直接去 Wallet 控制台上也是找不到中国的,Wallet 的客服也不会说支持中国。
Google Play 支持中国可以理解为 Wallet 单独为 Play 开了一个口子,只有从 Play 控制台上申请 Play 开发者时才会出现中国。所以,不管你是新注册的 Google 账号还是原来就有的 Google 账号,只要以前没开通过 Wallet 就可以在 Play 上注册为中国 Play 开发者,反之如果以前以前独立开通过 Wallet 就不能设置为中国了。

最后,如果你在这个过程中需要什么问题,请联系 Google Play 中文支持团队:play-dev-cn[#]google.com 。但 Google Play 团队不会替你解决任何以前 Wallet 的遗留问题。

如果想要将过去注册为国外 Play 开发者账号发布的应用转移到新注册的中国开发者账号上,请参考 Google Play 转移应用的帮助,几个步骤即可完成:https://support.google.com/googl ... s&ref_topic=3450986


使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-11-23 00:35:45 | 只看该作者
我这两天一直和Wallet Team的技术支持扯这个问题,可是他们最终就是回到支持国家列表,说现在就是没有中国。
我觉得应该是要Android Developer/Play Team 与 Wallet Team做一个深入的协调。


Thank you for contacting Google Wallet Team. Further to our discussion today, this is the follow up mail and a recap of our conversation.

As discussed, I'm sorry to say that Google Wallet is not yet available in China. Here's a list of currently available Google Wallet countries on our Help Center. I have also, consulted my specialists on this, however, as of now our services aren't available in China.
I appreciate your patience as my team works to expand Google Wallet to more customers!
But, according the Supported locations for developer & merchant registration of Android Developer Help, China is in the list of available Google Wallet Merchant countries. But Google Wallet website still not update the list, while some how Google Play use a new interface(maybe throught API?).

I've done a test, that is I use an Google account that do not register wallet to register wallet THROUGHT the Google Play Developer Console(shown as the figure 1). When I click the "Continue to payment", it popup a dialog to setup a Google Wallet that support to P.R. China(shown as the figure 2).
figure 1: ready to register wallet throught Google Play Developer Console
figure 2: dialog of setup a new Google Wallet support P.R. China(CN)
Thanks for the reply.

Could you please let me know if you would wish to have a Google Play Developer account or a Google Wallet Merchant account? So that, I can forward your request to the concerned team. However, we do not support Google Wallet in China, even you have the option to view the country, Wallet will not be accessible neither supported, to get the clarification on this, I have even consulted my specialists team.  I appreciate your understanding on this.
Thanks for helping me.

I already had a Google Play Developer account,  and I have a Google Wallet account which home address and bill address are wrong in the country field.

I wish to have a Google Wallet Merchant account also, but I did not try to, because I know and understand that China does not in the avaible list.

Yesterday, a news that "Chinese Developers Can Now Offer Paid Applications to Google Play Users in More Than 130 countries" excite every Android developer of China.

Accourding the news and the article of Android developer help center, developer from China can sign up a Google Wallet Merchant account. That means people from China can have a Google Wallet account and also a Google Wallet Merchant account, otherwise developer cannot pay the register fee, and cannot sell their App.

But there is something wrong in the process of singup Google Wallet Merchant account. Only Google account does not have Wallet account can signup the Wallet account as country set to China, those exist Wallet account cannot change the country to China.

That is odd and unfair, some people of China could have Google Wallet, but others does not.

I understand that the policy between Android team and Wallet team have some difference. I guest that maybe both of two teams should talk about the whether China should be in the support list.

By the way, since most people in China will have Google Wallet Merchant account and that's supportdd by Google, Wallet team why not put China on the support list?

Thanks for the reply.

I really understand your point here, however  I'm sorry to say that Google Wallet is not yet available in China. Here's a list of currently available Google Wallet countries on our Help Center. I appreciate your patience as my team works to expand Google Wallet to more customers!


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-11-23 00:44:14 | 只看该作者

所以我怀疑Wallet Team已经用某种方式来支持中国了,只是就是不愿意添加国家。

既然大部分的中国用户都能拥有Wallet Merchant账户,而且是Google官方支持的,为什么不完全放开,让剩下一小部分人也能用上? 否则就是不公平啊。现在只有新开发者可以申请,而老早就支持Android,支持Play市场的老用户就这样放弃掉,也会让人寒心的。还是希望能把这个跨部门的问题解决好。

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-4-24 16:53:23 | 只看该作者
我昨天付的款 今天就成这样了   
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-4-24 16:56:02 | 只看该作者
我昨天付的款 今天就成这样了   

zhangyu880322_1429864379530_643.jpg (35.49 KB, 下载次数: 35)

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