热烈欢迎你来到全中国GDG论坛! 我们很高兴你成为我们全国GDG大家庭的一员!
这里是全国谷歌开发者社区(Google Developers Group - GDG)的在线交流分享论坛,为全国所有GDG社区的成员们提供一个进行分享和交流的平台。这个论坛的宗旨为:
- 让全国各地的谷歌开发者们、对谷歌开发技术以及各种互联网和移动开发技术感兴趣的开发者、大学生及高校教师、企业经理和领导等就技术和创新爱好者,可以有一个方便的交流平台;
- 全国各个GDG社区的负责人可以通过各个分论坛,发布你们社区的活动通知;
- 全国各个GDG社区的成员们,可以在你们自己的社区分论坛里讨论你们自己社区的话题,包括组织你们社区活动的各种事项,也可以在各个开发技术论坛与各地的GDG成员们就共同感兴趣的话题进行交流、疑难解答、互相帮助;
- 谷歌的工程师和技术专家们可以通过这个平台,与大家进行技术和产品信息的分享、聆听开发者们的意见和反馈,把产品和技术做得更好、为大家提供更好的服务。
谷歌 开发技术推广部 大中华区主管 栾跃
Welcome to China GDG Forum! We are so glad you have become a member of this community, and the ever growing GDG family across China!
This is the national forum for the Google Developers Group - GDG communities in China. It is a platform for knowledge sharing, learning from each other. The objectives of this forum are:
* To provide a platform for the easy communication and online learning for all the Google developers, anyone who's interested in learning Google technologies, open technologies, college students and professors, business leaders across China, to learn technologies for Internet and mobile innovations;
* To provide to the organizers of the all GDGs in China to make events announcements;
* To enable GDG members to conveniently to discuss anything interests you, including your own community issues, events organizing, as well as share knowledge with other developers in other GDGs across China, answering questions and help each other;
With our vision of open, free, share, and community, we hope this forum can help our GDG members to grow together, learn from each other, and to promote the use of many Google technologies, open source technologies, and open standards, to help the further development of Internent in China, making Internet in China to better integrate with the Internet in the world, and to help many young people and college students in startups and innovations, contribute to the development of local economic and society.
Feel free to participate and voice your opinions. Wish you a pleasant experience in using this forum!
Thank you!
Bill Luan
Greater China Regional Lead, Developer Relations,