本帖最后由 Fangfang 于 2018-4-6 21:57 编辑
IWD-WTM(311, 267) IWD-WTM武汉在2018年4月4日在两个地点举办了并行的活动。本场是武汉科技大学举办的主题报告。 IWD-WTM in Wuhan was held in two differentsites in parallel on Apr. 2, 2018. This is the main session in Wuhan Universityof Science and Technology.
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女性开发者的节日:建立一个新的视野 The women techmakers’ day: Building a newHorizon.
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从数据角度分析中国女性的力量。 It was provided the power of the Chinesewomen based on the data support.
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技术分享后讨论听众们最关心的问题。 The most focused issues were discussedafter the technology sharing.
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来自工业届的计算机专业女性从业的技术与职业建议。 The suggestions were provided about thetechnology and professional to the women techmakers in computer major from theperspective of the industry.
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观众的提问与嘉宾的回答。 The questions were given from the audiencesand the invited speaker gave them the answers.
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报告过程中的会场听众。 The audiences were in the presentation hallduring the activity. |