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【上海GDG】美国谷歌专家分享:Angular JS 2.0 & Progressive Web Apps活动总结

发表于 2016-7-15 23:51:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
活动主题:美国谷歌专家分享:Angular JS 2.0 & Progressive Web Apps
活动人数:140人左右 其中女性20人左右
分享嘉宾:Keith & Kirill from Google USA
组织者/主持人:Mike Zhang
Theme:Summary:Sharing Session from Experts in Google USA : Angular JS 2.0 & Progressive Web Apps
Time:7PM-9PM, July 6, 2016
Place:No.406, Guilin Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai City (GDG Shanghai)
Total Attendees:140 attendees total, included 20 female attendees
Speaker:Keith & Kirill from Google USA
Organizer: Mike Zhang

7月6日(周三)晚上,上海GDG邀请到了来自美国谷歌的两位Angular技术专家Keith 和 Kirill,分享了Angular JS 2.0及Progressive Web Apps的相关内容,小伙伴们的热情空前高涨,小小的GDG孵化器瞬间爆满。
July 6, 2016, GDG Shanghai invited two experts of Angular from Google USA, Keith Hall and Krill Cherkashin, they shared their insights of  Augular JS 2.0 and Progressive Web App, the Shanghai GDG Launchpad Hall was full of participators, they were so exciting about this sharing session.
Keith Hall以”What is new with Angular JS 2.0”为题,带来了Angular JS 2.0相关的内容,首先简略介绍了Angular JS,随后讲述了其整体构架和工作流程。  
Keith Hall started with the keynote ”What is new with Angular JS 2.0 ”, shareed the contents about Angular JS 2.0, such as the simple introduction, architecture and the workflow.
Kirill Cherkashin则以Group photo开场,给大家生动讲述了Progressive Web App, 以及用于搭建PWA的平台和工具,最后讲述了Angular JS如何与Progressive Web App配合使用。
Krill Cherkashin took the group photo at first, and then vividly introduced the Progressive Web App, tool for building PWA, and how the Angular work with PWA.
The participators asked the questions to two speakers about related technique actively.
Activity end up with group photo, including speakers, participators and volunteers.


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