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2014 Google DevFest Joint Event Polythenic GDG Shanghai X GDG Bangkok 2014...

发表于 2014-11-16 09:34:25 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

活动时间:2014年11月08日 13:00 - 18:00 (GMT+8)



13.00 - 13.30 注册

13.30 - 14.00 曼谷 GDG 与上海 GDG 致辞

14.00 - 14.30 上海 GDG 的 Polymer 学习分享

14.30 - 15.00 曼谷 GDG 的 Polymer 学习分享

15.00 - 17.30 Codelabd

17.30 - 18.00 茶歇与项目分享(Google+)


本次是上海 GDG 第一次与其他国家的 GDG 合办进行 Joint Event。这次与曼谷 GDG 合办的 2014 DevFest:Polymer Part 是上海 GDG 作为 Android Wear Part 之后的 DevFest 番外篇。


我们和泰国友人们通过 Hangouts 连线,进行了视频问候与沟通。曼谷 GDG 的负责人 Wittaya Assawasathain 和清迈 GDG 的负责人 Kittichai Phiphatbunyarat 跟大家进行了友好的问候。

来自七牛的首席前端工程师马逸清作为本次 Polymer 活动的主讲人, 将 Google Polytechnic 官方教程中有趣的案例与使用法则与大家进行了分享与初步的讲解。

曼谷 GDG 的 Wittaya Assawasathain 作为泰国方面的讲师,以一种全新的视角,向大家展现了他们进行技术学习的方法,并且通过实际演示一些小案例,形象生动地让大家对 Polymer 有了进一步的认识。

分享教学环节结束后,大家已经迫不及待地想要进行实际操作。每两个人结成一队,在讲师的带领下进入了 Codelab 环节。所有人都对 Polymer 简单便捷的使用与 Material design 的设计界面兴趣盎然。

大家在结对的 Codelab 中快速熟识了。

泰国友人与我们现场分享 Ploymer 技术与使用。

Codelab 的现场。

将近5点30分,大家结束了将近两个半的 Polymer 编程,进行成果的分享与展示。

所有人都用 Polymer 成功创建了网页 Sample,有许多小组早早完成了官网的教学 Sample,并基于 Sample 的基础上进行了功能上的改进与再创造。

有一个小组,基于通讯录的 Web Application,添加了 Add  favourite 的功能,并能将不同的联系人进行分组,而这全部都是用 polymer 的 Web components 和 Material design 完成的。

曼谷 GDG 也向我们展示了他们基于 polymer 编写的短链接生成工具网站—— wi.th。

同时,上海 GDG 也为曼谷 GDG 准备了中国2014 DevFest 的纪念版 T恤;所有与会者都在T恤上签名并留言,上海 GDG 的讲师马逸清在T恤上画了个可爱的猫头鹰,作为他的特别标示。

Venue: Building 3, P2, 20 East Yuyuan Road, Shanghai

Time: 13.00-18.00(GMT+8),8 Nov,2014

Participants: 60


13.00 - 13.30 Register

13.30 - 14.00 Welcome greeting to both GDG Bangkok and GDG Shanghai

14.00 - 14.30 Polymer intro part1 #Shanghai slot

14.30 - 15.00 Polymer intro part2 #Bangkok slot

15.00 - 17.30 Build sample Polymer web (Seperate but same slide deck)

17.30 - 18.00 Snack break and sharing cool project done from codelab (via Google+ post)


This is the first time for GDG Shanghai to hold joint event with GDG from other countries. Devfest 2014 Polymer Part is held together by GDG Shanghai and GDG Bangkok after the Android wear part.

Although the event notice was posted only 6 days before the event date, it still attracted more than 60 developers, who left nearly no spared space in P2 townhall meeting space. Everyone held high expectations towards the new technology brought by GDG.

We contacted and communicated with Thailand friends via Hangouts. Wittaya Assawasathain, from GDG Bangkok, and Kittichai Phiphatbunyarat, from GDG Chiangmai, greeted our Shanghai participants.

As the chief front end programmer, Yiqing Ma was invited as our event speaker. He prepared a series of interesting Polymer cases and shared some basic principles with all the participant from Shanghai and Thailand.

As a senior developer, Wittaya Assawasathain shared his polymer learning skills from a brand new perspective. He shared his computer screen via Hangouts to show the participants how to get started with a web application project using Polymer, which really interested all the attendants.

After the sharing session, most participants can't wait to try Polymer themselves. With the guidance of our speaker, participants in Shanghai started pair coding. Everyone was deeply impressed by this developer friendly tool and its natural material design interface.

People quickly became friends in Codelab session.

GDG Bangkok was sharing Polymer techniques.

Codelab site.

The codelab session ended at about 5:30 pm, which was followed by result presentation and learning feedback session.

All the participants were succeed in creating a sample web application using Polymer. Many group even added new features and improvements to the basic sample; there was one group who has integrated "Add Favourite" into the web application keeping contact records, using web components and material design.

GDG Bangkok also presented with us their result ---- wi.th, the short url generator.

Last but not least, GDG Shanghai prepared a special gift for our Thailand friends ---- the limited edition China 2014 DevFest T-shirt with signatures of all the attendants. Our speaker, Yiqing Ma, drawed a little lovely owl as his unique "logo".

Check our our event at G+: https://plus.google.com/events/c2la05onu4b59uf5hk95c8429pk


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